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The Williamsburg Buddhist Sangha is a manifestation of the visioning of Williamsburg area students of Buddhism and meditation yearning for a community for practice and learning.

In keeping with Buddhist tradition, the WBS is supported entirely by Dana—free will contributions by members and others to acknowledge the value they have receive and to practice generosity.  According to the Buddha, generosity or sharing what we have is one of the central pillars of spiritual life. In the act of giving we develop our ability to let go, cultivate a spirit of caring and acknowledge our shared interconnectedness.  The practice of dana has kept Buddhism alive for more than 2,500 years – an interdependence between those who offer its teachings and those who receive them.

The practical expression of this principle is that there will never be a fee – or even expectation of a donation – for participating in a Sangha activity.  We hope that those who find value in our activities will support them to the extent they are able to do so, financially or as a volunteer, or both – and our operations will depend upon that support.

WBS Vision, Mission and Values Statement

WBS Board of Directors